The little company that grow

Specializing in the manufacture and sale of invisible orthodontic aligners, DEEP Company offers a wide range of solutions for dental professionals.

With a Feel Good approach and a desire to be eco-responsible, DEEP wishes to offer a unique and original experience to practitioners and their patients.

Align. Smile. Living.
Our choices and orientations

Why choose DEEP?


Made in France

At Deep Company, made in France is important!

We strive for proximity between our partners, our production and our customers. Based in the Lyon region, we ensure French production of our aligners and our DESIGN implants.



R&D and innovation are essential in our start-up.

We use innovative equipment and are constantly evolving: 3D printer, latest generation machining robots, custom software… We combine digital solutions, quality and responsiveness.


People and expertise

“Passion lead us here” – The DEEP Team consists of experienced and passionate employees.

Our results are the result of a combination of skills, know-how and teamwork that includes our customers, our partners and all our employees.

Deep Story

A global approach

Approach the care in its entirety

Our goal is to approach treatment in its entirety and to be present at every key stage. On a daily basis. We no longer wish to intervene on an ad hoc basis but to become a true partner by accompanying practitioners in a global approach to their patients and their care. Bringing the right solution. At the right time. And throughout the patient’s journey.

A Feel-good experience

Our real strength is to offer a feel-good, fluid and flexible experience that fits everyone’s lifestyle. To achieve this, we rely on the digitalization of our tools and solutions. We offer a range of digital tools that can be accessed from the office, a smartphone or between two appointments. Let’s stay connected for more proximity.